Jonathan Lam

Ice Web Applications Developer


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About Me

I'm Jonathan! I'm currently an undergraduate student at Ryerson University with an expected BSc. in Computer Science by April 2021. In the meantime, I am working part-time as an Ice Web Applications Developer at Environment Canada.

View my Resume

Work Experience

environment canada
Environment Canada
Ice Web Applications Developer

Sept 2019 - Present

  • Created a universal SIGRID‐3 compliant datasource used to derive all ECC products
  • Constructed a .NET Class that makes POST requests with GitLab API for critical issue creation and tracking.
Royal Bank of Canada
ServiceNow Developer / QA Analyst Intern

Apr 2018 - Dec 2018

  • Developed front‐end forms in JavaScript for RBC MyMarketPlace
  • Wrote over 258 automated unit tests with Selenium WebDriver


Contact Me

Looking to Hire? General Inquires? Please feel free to send me an email!
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